Hatchet, By Gary Paulsen

 The main characters are Brian, his mom, his dad, and the pilot. The book takes place in a plane and in the Canadian wilderness. Some important events were his first fire, a death, and him almost trying to kill himself. I enjoyed this book because of its interesting plot in surviving in the wilderness with nothing but a hatchet.

My favorite part was when he found a way to make food and fire near the middle of the book. My least favorite part was when a tornado came near the end of the book. I would recommend this book to people who can handle intense scenery and very very severe sadness. A death occurs and some of the parts may be a bit gruesome. If I were to rate this book I would give it **** (four stars) because of its complex threading of the words and it really makes you feel like you’re in the book.


4 thoughts on “Hatchet, By Gary Paulsen

  1. Oliver,

    Now this is a good review! You did a fine job here of giving a summary without giving away too much.

    And you supported your rating with a strong opinion.

  2. Is there any more details you can include? I haven’t read the book and I need a little more description to see if I want to read it.
    Anyway-nice review!

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