The Crossover by Kwame Alexander

The Crossover by Kwame Alexander

     The book I read over the summer was called The Crossover by Kwame Alexander. I think the author really liked basketball because the setting of the book was mostly on the basketball court. The main characters in the book are Josh Bell and JB they are twin brothers that are 14, they’re on the same basketball team and play great together on the court. The book also had a lot of descriptive writing about basketball. Like my favorite line in the book when she wrote “ to JB, who skips downtown zips around then double dips it in the bowl SWOOSH.” They’re many problems in this book but the main one is that Josh and JB’s dad has hypertension and he is really sick, but he doesn’t like doctors so he keeps not going to the doctor and keeps getting more and more sick.

In the beginning of the book it explains who the characters are and what they’re like. Then in the middle of the book it’s all about their basketball careers and what they want to do in college and when they get older. Also what happens in the middle is that JB gets a girlfriend and he is hypnotized in a way because all he thinks about is her and cares less and less about basketball. There is also a problem in the middle when Josh gets suspended from the basketball team and school. He gets so angry. His mom who is also the vice principal suspended him because he was bad in school. Josh missed the semi final game. Later his mom decides to lets him play in the finals. Before the game Josh and his dad were playing one on one and when Chuck, their dad, was going to dunk, he fell. They called an ambulance to pick him up. He was in a coma for a while but eventually he woke up. He was in the hospital recovering and everyone thought he was getting better. But on the day of the game he had a heart attack! JB was crying so much and was so sad, instead of going to the game he went to the hospital. Josh went to the game and scored at the buzzer and won the championship! Sadly, after the game, Chuck Bell died of a heart attack.  He was 39.  Chuck played in the NBA so it was all over the news. Before he died he gave his championship ring to josh.

I really enjoyed this book because I LOVE basketball and this book was about basketball. I also liked this book because the book was written in verse and I thought that was really cool. Lastly I liked this book because I thought this author was really good at making me feel like I was connected to the characters.  It made the book very interesting. I recommend this book to kids that love basketball and like books that are told in poems. I give this book 4.5 out of 5 stars.

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