The Meaning of Maggie By Megan Jean Sovern

The name of this book is called The Meaning Of Maggie and it is by Megan Jean Sovern. This book is not part of a series. This book is mainly about a girl named Maggie. Maggie’s Dad’s legs are slowly falling to sleep and everyone in their family is trying to figure out a cure for him. The main characters are the Mom, Dad, two sisters, (Layla,Tiffany) and imgresMaggie. The setting of this book is mostly at their house. This book takes place over two years when Maggie was 11 and 12.

Some ways to explain Maggie is  very lovely because she helped her older sister Layla with her homework. I also think Maggie is very secretive because she sneaks into the kitchen and gets some candy with no one even knowing. Maggie is very smart because she gets really really amazing grades. In the book I really liked when Maggie, her Mom, and her two sisters had to drag her dad all the way down to the beach each of the days they were on vacation. I also really liked it when Maggie tried to come home from school early but failed. She did not want to run 5 laps in gym. Lastly I really liked it when Maggie’s mom distracted her when her dad was getting a shot. It was really funny because her mom was making all of these excuses to get her away from her dad. She did this because she did not want Maggie to get scared that her dad would not be ok.

I really enjoyed this book because I loved how funny it was! I also liked how surprising the book was! I would definitely recommend this book for a friend because I think it was awesome! I would also recommend this book for people that like funny books! This book reminds me of The Little Mermaid [Ariel] because it is about one girl who has a few sisters that fight. This book also reminds me of High School Musical because one of the main characters has a crush. I would rate this book 5 stars!


2 thoughts on “The Meaning of Maggie By Megan Jean Sovern

  1. Dear Sierra,
    You described this book great! When I read the first paragraph I was like, Wow! Sierra is so good at getting out all the information she wants!

    Your friend, Maeve

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