Because of Mr.Terupt By: Rob Buyea

searchis a book about seven kids in the fifth grade. Jefferey, he hates school and lots of other things. He’s gloomy and ever since an issue has happened at his home he has not been himself. Danielle, lets bullys be mean to her, and still is nice to mean girls. Luke, gets the best grades A+ man super smart. Alexia, mean girl never trust her. Peter, prankster trouble maker loves to get a good laugh. Anna the shy observant girl. And Jessica, the new girl from california. And their new teacher Mr. Terupt. He is the teacher who knows what to do with them. He is a great teacher, everyone loves him, including some teachers. He has lots of cool activities for them. One day he changes them. He brings them to the collaborative classroom with children who think differently and have special learning needs. Soon the whole class feels bad for them. They have a great time, up until one nice snowy day when a problem changes everything, and everyone. What could possibly go wrong?Because of Mr.Terupt By: Rob Buyea

Because Of Mr. Terupt is a book about seven kids in the fifth grade. Jefferey, he hates school and lots of other things. He’s gloomy and ever since an issue has happened at his home he has not been himself. Danielle, lets bullys be mean to her, and still is nice to mean girls. Luke, gets the best grades A+ man super smart. Alexia, mean girl never trust her. Peter, prankster trouble maker loves to get a good laugh. Anna the shy observant girl. And Jessica, the new girl from california. And their new teacher Mr. Terupt. He is the teacher who knows what to do with them. He is a great teacher, everyone loves him, including some teachers. He has lots of cool activities for them. One day he changes them. He brings them to the collaborative classroom with children who think differently and have special learning needs. Soon the whole class feels bad for them. They have a great time, up until one nice snowy day when a problem changes everything, and everyone. What could possibly go wrong?

This book takes place at all the character’s houses, and their school. The time in this book is modern day.

The most interesting part of the book for me was when the “girl war” started. It made me want to read more. It was when Alexia started being mean to Anna, Danielle, and Jessica. She kept making them not be friends and she did it to make Jessica feel bad for standing up to Alexia. Another thing about this book is that it switches perspectives a lot, if you like books that change perspectives this is the book for you.

I really enjoyed this book. I loved each character. The book made more sense because the book had different characters perspectives it made me want to read more and more and more. I would recommend this book to people who love prospective changes. Also I think this book is good for age seven and up. I would recommend to people who like all sorts of books! This book falls in many different categories. If you read Wonder, Out Of My Mind, or any books by Wendy Mass, then you’ll have a fun time reading this book. I would rate this book !


9 thoughts on “Because of Mr.Terupt By: Rob Buyea

  1. People are loving this book! Tess just lent me her copy, and I have it on my desk. I can’t wait to read it. I love reading books that are written from various perspectives. I’m curious… did you identify with a particular character’s perspective?

  2. OMG adore this book!!! Did you know that there is another one of this type of book about Mr. Terupt coming out if not out!!! Amazing book review you got just the best out of everything but also wanted to make the reader read more without giving too much away!!!

  3. This is Yael, Alon’s mom, Im reading this book now and LOVE it. Thanks for this review its great! I cant wait to continue the book and see whats next…

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