Blubber by Judy Blume

9780440407072_xlgThe book that I  read is called Blubber it is written by Judy Blume. The main character’s name is Jill. The book is about Jill and a few other girls bullying this one girl named Linda. There are many settings in this book but the main one is school.

One part of the book I found interesting is when Jill stands up to Wendy another girl in the book. I found that interesting because Jill was always a little scared of her in a way. Another thing that I found interesting was that in a lot of books the main character is the nice one but in this book the main character is not nice to the person that is being bullied. I also really like this book because it is funny in a way that you would really have to understand the book. Sometimes you have to dig for the funniness. I would say that Jill is kind of a troublemaker at times. An example of this is when Jill and her best friend cracked eggs in a mans mailbox on halloween. She also can be mean, like when she and her friends were throwing Linda’s food around. But she is also nice to her friends and family she is nice because she sticks up for her best friend when Wendy calls her something really mean.

I really enjoyed this book because I thought it was really funny and exciting. I also thought the book was a little mean but when you read this book you get to know what the person that is getting bullied feels like. I would really recommend this book for everyone. If you like funny books you should read it. If you like books that are short but have a lot of meaning you would like this book.I love this book. Other books that are a lot like this book are A Fourth Grade Nothing and Double Fudge that whole series is funny and a little more exciting than this book they are written by the same author also. I would give this book five stars. I have already read Blubber twice and I would read it again for a third time. I love this book.


3 thoughts on “Blubber by Judy Blume

  1. You were so excited when you saw this book on the shelf! I’m glad you like it so much. I read a lot of Judy Blume books as a kid but never got around to this one. Your review is really insightful.

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