The Battle Of The Labyrinth by Rick Riordan

imgres-1I recently read a book called The Battle Of The Labyrinth by Rick Riordan. In this book, the main character is Percy Jackson. Percy is a boy, who is a bad student, for example he has ADHD. He also has dyslexia. Also, he is a demigod. A demigod is someone who is half god half human. In order to be a demigod, one of your parents have to be a god and one of your parents have to be mortal, which is also known as regular.

In this book there are a couple of supporting characters. One is named Annabeth, who is really smart and intelligent and is a demigod. Another one is named Grover and he is a satyr. A satyr is someone who is half goat, half boy. Another supporting character is Tyson. He is a very scared, and not very smart Cyclops. A Cyclops is a person who is very strong, and has only one eye.  This book takes place in a labyrinth. The labyrinth keeps on growing, sort of like a living person.

You are probably wondering why they are in a maze that goes forever. It is because they have to find Daedalus-the person who made the labyrinth-and convince him to not let Kronos’s army get through the labyrinth. Kronos’s army is trying to take over Olympus, and is going to use the labyrinth to get there. The labyrinth goes anywhere you want, if you know how to navigate it. That is why Kronos wants to find Daedalus, so he and his army can convince Daedalus to teach them how to navigate the army. Kronos is an evil titan lord. Kronos’s army is so big. On page 202, it said “I almost froze in mid air. Kronos’s army was as big as five football fields.”

This book is one of the best books I have ever read. I really like how Rick Riordan was very descriptive. His description gave you a good feeling, that goes with the type of place it is. I would recommend this book to anyone who likes to read because this book has just about everything for every type of reader. I would rate this book five stars because it is a really amazing book.


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