Warriors Into The Wild, by Erin Hunter

 This book was written by Erin Hunter.  This book is mainly about wild cats that are in different clans fighting over territory because they do not want food stolen from them and they want their hunting ground. There are four clans, WindClan, RiverClan, ShadowClan, and the one the book is focusing on, ThunderClan. The main characters in the book are Firepaw, Graypaw, and Ravenpaw. They are all in the ThunderClan. The book takes place in a forest. It does not say the time period.

Firepaw was brave when he drove the ShadowClan leader, Brokenstar out of the Shadowclan territory. An example of Firepaw being smart is when he had to figure out an idea to get Ravenpaw to safety. Firepaw was caring when he took down a ShadowClan warrior but when the ShadowClan warrior was hurt he gave her a rabbit to eat to replenish.

An interesting part of the story was when ThunderClan recruits Firepaw from his two-leg home which is what they call humans. This was interesting because Firepaw is really surprised and honored to be recruited. A very exciting part in the book is when no one can figure out who killed Redtail. In a conversation with Ravenpaw, Firepaw says, “If Redtail killed Oakheart, who killed Redtail?” This is an important part in the story because it is one of the main mysteries. In this quote Ravenpaw told Firepaw the real story and the person who killed Redtail found out that the cats knew about his crime.

I would recommend this book because it keeps you reading. I was literally attached to the book! There is nothing really similar to this book. I think that because it is a book which is so good no one could write as good of a story. I would rate this book 5 stars.I chose this rating because it is a book with all the elements, action, drama and adventure. Overall, I think THIS BOOK IS GREAT!


4 thoughts on “Warriors Into The Wild, by Erin Hunter

  1. Luca, very good review! One question that you didn’t answer that I would like to know the answer to is what book or movie does this remind you of? It reminds me of The Lion King.

  2. I’m glad you found a series that you like so much. I’m wondering if you are planning on reading the rest of them?

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