Howls Moving Castle By Diana Wynne Jones
“Sophie, Martha, and Lettie, I’m very sorry but since Mr. Hatter died (a.k.a dad) we need to step it up and all of you have to skip school.” said Fanny in a very calm voice. Fanny is the mom of Sophie who is the oldest sister and the middle sister is Lettie. Fanny is actually Sophie and Lettie’s stepmom, their real mom died when they were very young. So Martha is actually Fanny’s daughter and she is Sophie and Lettie’s stepsister but Fanny still treats all the girls the same.
In the land of Ingary where magic exists and the Hatters live. 50 years ago the witch of the west was around, she scared everyone and now there is a castle on a hill and everyone thinks that is the witch but it’s not it’s Howl. So all the doors are locked and the windows are closed. Girls aren’t allowed outside alone and no one, I mean no one, wants to. In Ingary people believe the oldest child is the one who is most likely to fail in most thing and be unsuccessful and the middle one is not going to be very successful either, but the youngest one is going to be beautiful and successful.
Sophie is an amazing sewer she made one of her sisters a dress and the other sister said that it looked like it was made for a queen. I totally love this book and recommend it. If I would give this book a rating from one star to five I would give it a five because there is so much action and it’s dramatic. My book is called Howl’s Moving Castle by Diana Wynne Jones I picked this book because it was one of my favorite movies, so I thought it would be a good book to read. Sophie is very calm and nice because she is patient and won’t get mad at her sisters if they are being rude or annoying.
I have this book and I wasn’t going to read it but now I am. That might have been one of the best Reviews!
I really loved your review! You gave me so much information without spoiling it! I love how you started with a quote from the book too!