Wrinkle In Time by Madeleine L’engle

What were the three W’s going to do? Mrs. Who, Mrs. Whatsit, Mrs. Which. They are the wise women who have been living for millions of years. They also guided Calvin Meg and Charles Wallace (brother + sister except Calvin, just a friend) on possibly the greatest adventure through time and space ever.Image result for wrinkle in time


Meg and Charles Wallace’s dad was an amazing scientist but a year or so ago he was sent on a mission by the government. Meg Calvin and Charles Find the siblings father on a dangerous planet controlled by IT. IT is a giant pulsing brain having everyone under its pattern.


Believe it or not IT is not the  main problem or “villain”. It is a black thing that  is pure evil and has been terrorizing many galaxies for longer than the W’s have been alive.


They go through many adventures together and after a while they realize that they love each other. That is like their power.


If you want a spoiler read this if not, DON’T:



I love this book because I love adventure. The book is basically just adventure. They toggle withe time, play with space. In fact they stretch through time with the 5th dimension.


I would give this book a 5/5 stars.

2 thoughts on “Wrinkle In Time by Madeleine L’engle

  1. Miles, I really like how you included both your idea and what the book was about. It gave me a good idea of how the book is and what it is about. I might read this.

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