Foxheart By Claire Legrand


Quicksilver grew up with a hard life. She was abandoned by her parents and grew up in an orphanage. She refused to go by her real name Anastazia and had no name, so everyone called her Pig Witch. Her only friend was a dog she named Fox. She was the big prankster.  One day a man came to the orphanage and got angry, he sent his seven wolves after the girls and revealed himself as the witch hunting wolf king. She fled with fox and found herself at a house of a kid and his ill parents. The kid called himself Sly Boots. Soon Pig Witch became Quicksilver, Best Thief In The Star lands. They made a deal,  he joined her in robbing and he let Quicksilver stay at his house.  On one of their lessons Fox found a stranger with magic Quicksilver just had to have. She went up to the stranger, and little did she know it was the start of a long adventure, in the past, to defeat the Wolf King. Will, Quicksilver, Fox, Sly Boots and the stranger succeed on their quest?

Quicksilver is a brave yet lonely girl. She grew up being teased with barely any friends and when she found true friends she brought them misfortune. She is brave since she was always ready for what came next no matter what the risks were.

I recommend this book to people who like adventure stories, with magic yet sacrifices too. I love it so much, the book really toys with your emotions. I give the book a five star rating.


5 thoughts on “Foxheart By Claire Legrand

  1. I love how you said that the book “toys with your emotions.” I think those kinds of books are the most difficult to read, but some of the most enjoyable. If you had to choose something you didn’t like about Foxheart, what would it be?

  2. This book sounds really interesting with all the magic and it’s sort of like the Lenape because they had nicknames like she did.-Crosby

  3. Hi LuLu. Fox heart sounds really cool and I want to read it. Do you feel bad for Quicksilver or do you think she is cool or both? Your Foxheart reveiw is awesome. Foxheart is on my summer reading list.

  4. I am a big fan of Clare LeGrand, but somehow haven’t read this book yet! I’m intrigued with your writing of the book toying with your emotions. I’m going to check it out this summer!

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