Wayside School Is Falling Down, by Louis Sachar


This series is called The Wayside School. But I am focusing on one of the books called The Wayside School Is Falling Down. The author  of the book is Louis Sachar. The book is really funny.  If you want to laugh read it. It is about a school called The Wayside School and their school year. There is no main character because it switches the perspective of the different students. The book does not tell you where it takes place but don’t let that make you not  read it.

All the characters have different personalities. Like one of the characters named bebe is really funny because she pranked the teacher by putting a dead rat in her desk. She also is a good drawer she drew 1,000 planes. She is really self conscious because she lost her two front teeth and she says she is not cute any more.   Also my favorite character, Calvin got a potato tattoo on his ankle! Who would do that? He is very clumsy because he knocked down his fish tank and the by accident he swallowed a fish!!!!

One of the most interesting parts of this book is when sharie brought in hobo Bob for show in tell. I found this part interesting because it is sort of pointless and funny. Also Hobo Bob does not wear socks because when he was younger he won a spelling bee without socks on. And now he says it is a good luck charm. I have a question for him, if you have good luck why are you homeless?

This book is similar to the series My Weird School for two reasons.One is that the art is the same. Secondary, they are both really funny. I rate this book four stars. It is a good quick read. Read it!   

12 thoughts on “Wayside School Is Falling Down, by Louis Sachar

  1. You leave with so much suspense. I need to know how the homeless person wins a spelling bee. I need to read this book now. You rote a really good book review. Like I said I want to read it NOW.

  2. You leave me with so much suspense. How does a homeless person win a spelling bee?
    I need to read this book now because you described it so well.

  3. You did a great job discribing what you wanted to write. I thought it was interesting how your favorite character Calvin got a tattoo of a potato on his ankle. “beautiful” it truly is. I also found it interesting how for showing tell someone brought in a homeless man named Bob. I really like the name Bob and I think it’s wonderful.

  4. I think that this would be a very good quick read. I love funny books and this one sounds like a good one. I also agree with Jasiri and Zach, you left me with so much suspense! You did a very good job on making me want to read it. Good job!

  5. Great job! First of all I feel like when you wrote that book report it definitely showed me that that book is hilarious. That dead rat being put in someone’s desk is really funny. Was it hard to follow who was each character?

  6. Luca,
    Great review! I think it is funny how Calvin got a tattoo of a potato. Personally, if I had a tattoo of a potato I would always be very hungry. Anyway, I think you described the book very well and you made me want to read the book.

  7. Great review! Your review was really suspensefull
    and comparing it to My Weird School helped me understand the series.

  8. I agree with the other reviews. The book sounds funny and creative. I like the idea of hearing different students’ perspectives.

  9. I love books that make you laugh and this book sounds so funny. You made me want to read the book so much I’m balling my eyes out.

  10. Hey Luca,
    I think that this is a great book review, one, you were right when you said that your review might be funny, two, dude a potato tattoo would be cool but swallowing a fish, uhhh, not so much.

  11. I used to read wayside school books but then they got to creepy and weird so I stopped. I really like the book review and think that, that was a good question for hobo bob.

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