The Invisible Day, By Marthe Jocelyn

This book is called The Invisible Day by Marthe Jocelyn. It is about a girl named Billie who finds a makeup bag in Central Park. When she tries to put the makeup on, she realizes she becomes invisible. Billie and her best friend, Hubert make it their mission to make her reappear again through one big adventure in New York City.

Billie is curious, determined, and clever. She is curious because when she first sets eyes on the makeup bag, she can’t stop wondering about it until she finally opens it up and tries out the mysterious makeup. Bille is determined. She works hard to figure out how to become visible again. She is told that the juices from chewed up gum will help to make her reappear. Bille chews and chews and chews. Together with Hubert, the friends keep chewing until they have plenty of gum juice. Lastly, Billie is very clever. She is clever because when Billie reappears, she crafts a story so good that it convinces her family and the police that her backpack was taken by a thief and she was on a mission to get it.

One important and interesting part is when Billie has to step into a bath of crushed crackers and chewed gum juice in the dark. That was the only way that she could become visible again. This part was interesting because it made me think, “Wow! What if I tried to do that!? It might work!” Another interesting part is when Billie was walking by a kid and a grown-up. Billie threw out a banana peel, but she was invisible. The kid called, “Daddy daddy daddy! There is a banana peel floating around!” This was interesting because it made me think, “Does Billie know that there is a kid who might see her throwing this out?” Another funny and interesting part was when Billie was in the bathroom and she was invisible. Two girls came in and Billie heard them talking about her. They didn’t know she was there since she was invisible. This part was funny and interesting because Billie heard all of what they were talking about and she was just trying to get her backpack without them hearing her!

I enjoyed this book. The first reason I enjoyed it is because it was really awesome and every chapter ends with a cliffhanger. It is one of those books that makes you want to read more because you think, “I really want to know what happens next in the book!” Another reason I enjoyed it is because in the book, it is a combination of fantasy, adventure, and realistic fiction. It’s a really good kids book because it’s not too long and it is really interesting. I would recommend this book because if you like adventure and science, you will definitely like it. Also, in the book you meet a lot of different characters and they have different personalities. One character is really funny and you wouldn’t expect it. This book is so unique because it is really just an awesome book about being invisible. It really shows you that if you are determined to succeed at doing something, you can always do it with hard work. I would give this book a five star rating because I could just read it over and over again and still love it every single time.

12 thoughts on “The Invisible Day, By Marthe Jocelyn

  1. Very good job on the description on Billie but I would add one more and that is she is also a very good story teller because she was able to lie to her family and the police that her backpack was taken by a thief and she was on a mission to get it.

  2. I want to read this book because it is very interesting and I really like the suspense of cliffhangers. Does she turn visible again?

  3. Awesome review! Now I really want to read this book. I am a big fan of makeup, and I have always wanted to be invisible. I think you described Billie very well. When I read it, I could imagine Billie and her friend chewing gum, so determined to make Billie visible.

  4. Your book review was probably the best in my opinion. You used a lot of detailed words to describe your sentences. In my case that is impressive because I’m not good at using descriptive words cause I don’t really know what all of them mean exactly and how to use. If I didn’t know who wrote this I would guess a grown up. Great job Mia!

  5. I really liked your book review! I think that it makes me really want to read it. I want to read it because it sounds funny and adventures. I liked the funny part where she throughs out a banana and the boy thinks it is a floating banana. Also can she see herself? Can her friend see her? I also like this book because you said it is not to long. I really liked your book review and will try to look at this book

  6. Your review was really good. It made me think of the conversations about gossip in our class. Did billie almost make a sound because she was so angry in the bathroom? Really good review.

  7. Now that’s my kind o makeup! Great review Mia, you explained the book really well. Now I want to know what happens!

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