New Middle School Dogs Best Friend, by James Patterson

I read “New Middle School Dog’s Best Friend” by James Patterson. This book is part of a series and it is book eight. I would recommend reading the first seven books in the series first. This is a story is about a kid named Rafe Khatchadorian and his friend Finn (but mostly Rafe). Rafe is trying to get a multi platform Wormhole (a video game set). He started a dog walking business to raise the money. There is another kid dog walking business trying to do the same thing and they get in a couple arguments in this book. They get into a fight because the other kid dog walking business “tore down his dog walking flier.” So they fought with words not physical.

Rafe is not thoughtful about his thoughts. He is not thoughtful about his thoughts because in the book he says some mean stuff to his mom and does not care until he makes his mom cry. Rafe is also a determined person, he is determined because he had one goal and that goal was to get the Wormhole. He tried and tried until he got $390. That was almost enough to get it so he asked his sister for ten dollars. Rafe also is smart by tricking his sister into doing stuff for him. Some times his sister blackmails him. One time she blackmailed him was when she was “helping” Rafe with his homework because they were in the same class for some subjects. He is smart at making choices like when the other dog walking business was right next to him, he did not have a fist fight he fought with words.

The most interesting part of the book is when Rafe starts a dog walking business. This is the most interesting part because he is doing this and being responsible and he is not a responsible person at all. He finally did something responsible and he starts acting his age toward the end of this book. Another interesting part is that Rafe starts doing stuff with his sister, and they both do not like each other (for some reason I do not know). They end up being good brother and sister toward the end of the book. That was a huge surprise to me because they were not being a good brother and sister in the begining of this book.

I really liked this book. It was funny, detailed, and an AMAZING book to read (for me). I really liked the suspense that it gave me so I would keep wanting to read. I would really really recommend this book, if you want to laugh. If you have not read this book yet read it and then tell one of your friends to read because it is that good. This book does not really remind me of anything because it is based on middle school and middle school problems. I am not in middle school yet. I would rate this book 5 stars. 5 stars= I loved. I could read it again (if I want to read it again). You should read this book.

8 thoughts on “New Middle School Dogs Best Friend, by James Patterson

  1. I really liked how you explained about him being mean sometimes to his mom. I thought that was very interesting that he would only start paying attention to her feelings when she started to cry. Nice job!

  2. Zach, first of all very nice job! I want to read this book. Second, did you know that there is a movie for this series?

  3. Zach,
    Awesome review! I liked how you explained how he got into fights with the other kid who started a dog walking business. I can’t wait till I start reading this book because it sounds very funny.

  4. I really liked your review! Your book sounded like a funny page-turner, and probably a great choice for kids who like video games. How did Rafe get the idea to start a dog walking business?

  5. In the beginning when you said two people started a dog walking business for the same reason. That just made me want to read the book right away because it’s so random when two people start the same things for the same reason and that reason is so random.

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