Holes by, Louis Sachar

This book is about a boy named Stanley Yelnats. He was accused of  stealing shoes. He went to court and the judge said to Stanley, “You can go to jail or Camp Green Lake,” and Stanley chose Camp Green Lake which is in Texas. Camp Green Lake is a place where bad children stay to learn how to be civilized people. While Stanley is at the camp, he has a lot of work and punishment. At camp they had to dig one hole a day. I really liked this book. This book is a long read and you get a lot out of it.

Stanley is a sensitive and kind person. He helps others and treats them nicely. He is nice and helpful because he helped someone read and write at Camp Green Lake. He is not like one of those bad kids. He is the only kid at camp who writes to his mother. I think he is the only one who writes to his mom because he is sensitive.

I found it the most interesting when Stanley and his friend Zero find something special. I think it is interesting because they are so shocked and happy. Also when Stanley and Zero get in trouble it is interesting because it is action packed because they go on an adventure.

The book keeps you wanting to read. I think it was my favorite book I ever read. There is no book like it and it is amazing. The book is fun and exciting. The book tells you the “hole” story of how Stanley got there. There is also a movie! My rating of the the book is  5 stars. Read it!





14 thoughts on “Holes by, Louis Sachar

  1. Can your explain more about what you meant when you wrote that people would get a lot of reading this book? Also you did a nice job on explaining Stanley’s personality.

  2. Luca I’m commenting on this review for two reasons
    1.That book review was amazing!!
    Your book review was so good. It was so funny. Every time you told me about your character it got a laugh out of me. That’s a pretty good stat. I also liked your pun at the end. It was a good one.

  3. I want to read that book now because this kid goes to camp green lake and he is the nicest kid there. He helps other kids out when they need help.
    Why does he get released sooner?

  4. Holes is definitely one of my favorite Newbery winners. I love how you incorporated a pun, when the name of the camp is essentially a misnomer. I think your review will get more kids to read it!

  5. This is one my favorite books. I really like the pun that you made. It was really “punny” Who was your favorite character? Mine is Zero.

  6. I really love your review! I think you described Stanley really well. I could really picture of what a sensitive person he was. I also am thinking whats the special something him and Zero find. I soon look forward to read this book!
    ~ Beckett

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