Paperboy by Vince Vawter


Paperboy Pitches Something Besides Papers

A really important event in the story, Paperboy, is that the main character becomes a paperboy.  This happens because the soon to become paperboy is the best pitcher in his grade. He pitched a baseball, and that ball went into Art, his best friend’s, face. Art was the actual paperboy so our main character became the substitute paperboy. This event is important because he stutters and it gets him to talk to a lot more people.  Most of the people are very nice on his paper route, some of them are not. There is a lady on his paper route named Mrs. Worthington. Every house he tries to say a word that is troubling him like basketball or pitch. When he came to Mrs. Worthington’s house he said the word pitch.  She thought he said a different word, maybe a bad word.  There is another person named Mr. Spiro. The first time the paperboy goes to Mr. Spiro’s house to deliver a paper Mr. Spiro is sitting on his porch. They start having a long conversation and at the end of the conversation, Mr. Spiro asks the paperboy a dreaded question, “What is your name.”  When the paperboy tries to say his name he gets so stuck on the V sound he faints. Mrs. Worthington is important because he has a really strong relationship with her towards the end of the book. Mr. Spiro is very important because he also has a strong relationship with the paperboy and rich conversation.  He also persuades the paperboy to talk a lot more and the paperboy doesn’t like to talk because of his stuttering. Mr. Spiro also knows some tricks to help the paperboy talk better. Once he said if we say “this word” in unison will it help you. The paperboy nodded, and guess what, it worked. I know you’re asking “what is this kids name”? I don’t really know, but it doesn’t make the book any different. This is a really good book. I recommend reading it. In the book they change Art’s name into rat because it is easier for the paperboy to pronounce. The names in this book may be confusing but the story is great and realistic.  

2 thoughts on “Paperboy by Vince Vawter

  1. Hi Mayer. I thought that the fact that
    Mrs. Worthington and Paperboy have a really good relationship towards the end of the book is really great. It is also really nice how the people in the school changed art to rat for the Paperboy. I don’t know why but this book kind of reminds me of Flat Stanley.

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