August Gets Saved By Friends

Wonder by  P. J. Palacio

New York State – Breaking news. August Pullman and Jack Will went into the woods. They ran into 11th grade bullies. The bullies make fun of August Pullman. Then they get into a giant fistfight when Amos, Henry and Miles come along. August, Jack, Amos, Henry and Miles escape.

 It all happened when the school that August goes to traveled to a farm. On the last day the class went to watch a movie. They watched “The Sound Of Music.” Jack needed to go to the bathroom, but there was a very long line at the bathroom. Jack said they should go in the woods. “I don’t think we should go into the woods, we should wait,” said August. So August DIDN’T want to go into the woods. It was Jack’s idea to go into the woods. After they decided to go into the woods they met Amos, Henry and Miles. They all ran into some bullies. We have proof of what they said, “It’s Golem. Where did he come from. It talks too.” “Then it got ugly.”Henry explained later in his interview.

Amos jumped on the leader of the bullies and they were in a fistfight. Henry picked up August and ran. Miles called for them to run. August was really confused and he could not see. August lost his hearing aids in the process. We reporters went back to the farm and found his hearing aids. They were all destroyed and broken so nobody wants them anymore.

Amos, Henry and Miles were very nice to August after the incident.  They supported each other and were friends. Before Amos, Henry and Miles were just like some of the other bystanders to August. They clapped when August got his big award. They all treat each other like they are in the same gang.

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