518Ts+tXaLLI read the book Holes by Louis Sachar. The main character is: Stanley. The main problem is that Stanley got sent to Camp Green Lake for no reason. (Camp Green Lake is a camp for kids who do bad things. Or is i?…) All they do is dig holes that are five feet deep and wide. It’s not a good place to be. The setting of the book is Camp Green Lake because the nearest town would be five miles away by car.

One big event that happened is: Zero (a boy from Camp Green Lake that he’s friends with) runs away and Stanley runs after him, but when they find each other, they are already the middle of nowhere. This event is so important because when they can’t find the camp, they realize that they need food or water. And fast. Two parts of the book that were my favorite is: at the end of the book when Stanley goes home with Zero because Zero finally finds a home. Another example is when Stanley gets his nickname, Caveman, because you know it’s a start to a good book.

One adjective to describe Stanley’s personality is brave, because he realizes that Camp Green Lake is wanting something, but they have to dig it up. Another adjective that describes Stanley is kind, because he rescued Zero from the waste land. The last adjective is clumsy, because he is the slowest digger, and also because he falls a lot. One quote that helped me understand Stanley’s personality is: “I always seem to be at the wrong place, at the wrong time.” Why that made me understand him, is because that means he is brave, because he has to stand up to who ever is there, and figure things out.

I really enjoyed the book, because the author made you feel like you were there. Another reason is that it is a book that has a bunch of things whipped into it. Drama, humor, sadness, and adventure. I would recommend the book, because like I just said, it has whatever kind of book you’re into. It really has a story to tell. I would give this book four and a half stars.

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