I Even Funnier, By James Paterson


f906044348db44a554e9e441e04869ddThe book I am reading is I Even Funnier  by James Patterson . The main characters are Jamie, Pierce, Cool Girl, Gaynor,and Gilda. The story takes place in Long island in the present time. The book is about how Jamie’s friends are trying to help  him become  a good comedian. Jamie’s parents died in a car crash. Jamie survived but his legs do not work anymore and he was in the hospital for almost a year. In the hospital the nurses told him laughter is the best cure, so he watched comedians, he read joke books and he did everything he could to become funny.  When he was released from the hospital he hoped to become a comedian.  

When Jamie was released from the hospital he went to live with his aunt and uncle and his cousin, Stevie, who was the biggest bully in the world.  Stevie beat him up every day.  In the town where he lives there is a Planet’s Funniest Kids Contest.  Of course, Jamie entered the contest. The contest consisted of   several rounds of stand-up comedy to get to the finals. Jamie entered the first round not knowing anything about how the contest worked. He ended up winning the first round and the second, but then his uncle (a different uncle than the one he lived with) got sick so Jamie withdrew from the contest. Then Gaynor’s mom got sick and so he decided to make a Youtube video to help Gaynor’s mom feel better.

  The contest was still going on and two other people got to move on to the semifinals. However, there was also a wildcard slot and the judges picked him to fill that slot thanks to his Youtube video. When his uncle got better, Jamie went to the semifinals and then on to the finals, which was held  in Las Vegas. Jamie is very determined because he keeps on trying to win the contest and he does. He is also very nice because he helps other kids become good comedians. Also when people are bullying other kids he stands up for them.

I enjoyed the book because it was very funny and helped me understand that if someone is disabled, he or she can still do things like if they can not walk they can still play a game just in a wheelchair. I  also liked the book because Jamie got to the finals of the contest  by working hard and doing things for others like making the video for Gaynor’s mom to help her feel better, which was how he was able to move on to the finals. I would  recommend this book to somebody who is determined,somebody who likes comedy, and  somebody to whom friendship is important. I give this book four out of five stars. 






6 thoughts on “I Even Funnier, By James Paterson

  1. This book looks AMAZING! I have always wanted to know about how it must feel to be disabled. I love comedy books. I really like the author of this book because he gives you real life problems that could happen. I will definitely read this book!

  2. I loved your book blog. I remember reading the first book was really funny. I can really see what is happening in the book through my mind.

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