The Black Stallion, By Walter Farley


Black-Stallion-Book-Cover-the-black-stallion-13136793-420-617I read The Black Stallion by Walter Farley. The main characters are Alec and the Black Stallion. The main problem in the book  is when the ship Alec was on (Drake) was shipwrecked. The setting of The Black Stallion is on the ship, then on the island and at the end at Alec’s home.

One important part of my book is when the Drake was shipwrecked. It was important because Alec was the only human survivor of the shipwreck and the Black Stallion was the only horse survivor. A second important part is when the Black Stallion and Alec were living on the island. It was important because he lived on an island where no other people live and they become best friends. A third important part is when Alec raced with the Black Stallion and won in the most famous horse race with the two most famous horses. It was important because now he became famous. Two events that changed the story are first, when Alec met the Black Stallion and the Black Stallion and Alec helped each other survive. The second event was when the Drake was shipwrecked and Alec had to live on the island. Alec is strong because he lived on an island all by himself and he had to live on his own. I think Alec is brave because he learned how to ride on a wild stallion all by himself and survived on his own.

I enjoyed this book because I like stories about animals. I also like this book because I think it is cool how a wild stallion saved Alec and how on the island the Black Stallion and Alec bonded. I would give this book a five star rating.     

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