Nightbird, By Alice Hoffman

51errxztrCL._SY344_BO1,204,203,200_The title of my book is Nightbird the author of my book is Alice Hoffman. The main character of my book is Teresa Jane Rose. The main problem in my story is that the whole town thinks there is a monster. The setting of my book is a small town deep in the woods.

I think the book is good because you hear a lot about the monster. Which is incredible: some claim they saw the monster. Teresa’s family has a curse, all the men/boys in the family have wings so they need to keep her brother a secret and that is a problem for Teresa because she does not make friends quickly, because no one is allowed to come to her house and she is not aloud to go to other people’s house.Teresa decides to hunt for the monster because she thinks it has something to do with her brother.

Teresa also decides to sometimes fly with her brother in the night on his back. Because flying is really fun. Teresa is kind of shy because she never talks to anyone. She is also very helpful because she helps her mom bake.

I like that the book is very descriptive with the words because sometimes I can’t understand what a book is saying. I also like that they talk about what she looks like and what she wears and even what her hair color is (her hair color is brown like wet mud). Also she is very peaceful like when she stayed calm at the fire in the book. I think the book is 4 stars and a half. I definitely think you should read it, at least give it a shot.

8 thoughts on “Nightbird, By Alice Hoffman

  1. I read this book last year, and I like it a lot even though I would describe it as a quiet book. I’m wondering what your favorite part of the story is.

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