I TOTALLY FUNNIEST, By James Patterson

51KQihg1QYL._SX316_BO1,204,203,200_I TOTALLY FUNNIEST by James Patterson, is about the main characters and comedy contests. The main characters are Jamie Grimm, Gilda Gold, Joey Gaynor and Jimmy Pierce. Jamie is a middle school kid who is in a wheelchair and is very funny. His friend Pierce is a brainiac, Gaynor is cool and Gilda is gutsy. Jamie has been in many comedy contests before and the main problem is that he’s scared he’s going to lose the final contest.  The setting of the book, I TOTALLY FUNNIEST, takes place in Long Beach, NY. Jamie also goes to Hollywood for the final contest.  

Jamie is very nervous about the final contest because it’s on TV and it has the biggest crowd he’s ever seen.  If Jamie wins, he gets one million bucks and a TV show. His cousin, Stevie Kosgrov, is a bully but he is protecting Jamie at school because he wants half of Jamie’s one million bucks that Stevie thinks Jamie is going to win. Jamie’s friends are mad at him because he’s not hanging out with them as much as before. “I’m pretty sure we’ll all be friends again as soon as this whole comedy contest is over. I hope so. But right now, I need to focus on THE FINALS” said Jaime. 

I did not like this book as much as the other books in this series, but it was still good. The whole entire book was based on the final contest. At the beginning of the book all they really talk about is the final contest. Around the middle of the story for three or five chapters they were about Jamie going to Hollywood. At the end of the book, well I can’t tell you the end so all say the contest was too short. I would recommend this book to nine and ten year olds because they use some bathroom words but it is ok for them because it is very funny. I would give this book four stars. By the way this is the THIRD BOOK IN THE SEIRES SO READ THE FIRST TWO BOOKS FIRST they’re I FUNNY and I EVEN FUNNIER!!!!


20 thoughts on “I TOTALLY FUNNIEST, By James Patterson

  1. I like that you were honest that this book let you down a bit compared to the others in the series. Do you think Jamie would actually give Stevie the $500000?

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