The Girl Who Could Fly By: Victoria Forester

The book I read is called The Girl Who Could Fly. It is by Victoria Forester. The book is about a girl who is able to float.

Some pimgreseople might think floating and flying are pretty much the same. But not for Piper McCloud. Piper is the main character of this book. Piper discovers when she was really young that she could float. Betty and Joe McCloud (Piper’s mom and dad) are normal farmers that live out in Lowland County. They own a farm with many animals. Like everyone else.

Piper has never been a normal kid but her parents would never think that she could float. Betty and Joe do not want anyone to find out about this. Eventually Piper teaches herself how to fly. The difference between floating and flying is: Floating, you just go a few feet of the floor and can’t control when it happens and what happens while you are doing it. Flying, you go as high as you want, as fast as you want, when you want, and where you want.

Betty and Joe hate when Piper flies because she could give out her secret. But she does fly and her secret gets out. In front of everyone in town. Now everyone is trying to get to Piper. The McClouds stay locked up in there house. Until one day Letitia Hellion and all her agents come and they take Piper away from home. To teach her to use her flying and be in a safe environment away from all the danger. Well atleast that is what the McClouds thought. . .

So Piper decides to go with Dr. Hellion. Not knowing what was going to happen and what the road ahead of her looked like.

Piper makes a lot of friends there.

The setting of the book starts off at Piper’s hometown which is Lowland County. There are a lot of farms there and it is basically in the middle of nowhere. Once Letitia Hellion takes Piper to her institute the book is placed there. I don’t know where the institute is but it is very, very cold there. The institute is called I.N.S.A.N.E. The name of it kind of gives you the mood of the place. If you read the book it will tell you what it stands for.

Piper is the main-main character but there are co main characters too. Like Conrad Herrington lll. He has been in the institute for the longest. His special ability is that he is very, very smart.

Piper is strong. The kids in the institute try to test her but they get really surprised when she doesn’t start crying or back down. She stands up to them and proves herself to them. Conrad is really mean to everybody at the institute including Piper now. Piper doesn’t get really upset and doesn’t sit there doing nothing like all the other kids. Conrad has a really good reason to be mean to the other kids he is just trying to help them. In his case he is not even being mean. Piper is also brave. She left her parents even though she knew she might not ever see them again. It was her who stood up to Dr. Hellion after what Hellion did to her. I won’t say anything else because I will give everything away. Last but not least Piper is nice. She takes care of Jasper (the smallest and weakest kid there). She tries to think about the nurse and the kids at the institute.

Conrad is smart. Of course he is smart! That is his special ability. He figured out what Dr. Hellion’s objective was. (I can’t tell you what it is) He timed the escape by every second and had perfect coordinations. Conrad is also caring. He tries to hide it and maybe he doesn’t know. He tries to help all the kids at the institute so the things that Dr. Hellion is doing doesn’t affect them as quickly.

I like the part of the book when Conrad tells Piper why he has been so mean.  Then Piper and Conrad become friends and it was interesting to find out the information that Conrad knows. Another part of the book that is fun is when one of the girls there tries to test Piper. Her special ability is telekinesis. She moves Piper’s water glass up and down and Piper at first gets really annoyed. Then she does something no one has ever done before . . .   A time in the book I really liked but was so annoying is when Conrad makes/pushes Piper jump out of a really tall window. Piper of course flies herself to safety. Then Dr. Hellion gets extremely mad at Piper. Piper gets confused because Dr. Hellion doesn’t really care that Conrad pushed her but she just cares that Piper flew. Even though if Piper didn’t fly she would die. I liked it because now I was starting to figure out what Dr. Hellion’s actual personality is.

I really enjoyed this book. It was funny there were some mysteries and surprises kept coming at you that you would not expect. I also liked it because I liked Piper. She is brave, strong, nice, caring, adventurous, and mischievous etc..

I would definitely recommend this book to anyone. The cover might look scary but the book is not. It has people who have powers like telekinesis, smartness, storm creation, strength, electricity, and shrinking .I think everyone could read this book whether they love it or don’t like it that much.I would rate this book five stars



One thought on “The Girl Who Could Fly By: Victoria Forester

  1. I have already read this book. I think you have described it perfectly! I like the part were you said it might look scary but it is not.

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