The School for Good and Evil a World Without Princes

This book is so very interesting that it is impossible to put down. It is called The School for Good & Evil: A world without Princes. It’s from the Series The School for Good and Evil.

The author is Soman Chainani. He is an Indian-American writer and filmmaker. He attended Harvard. He was born in Miami Florida.
The book is about two best friends named Sophie and Agatha. They thought they had their happy ending because they were in a fairy tale (if you want to know about that read The School for Good and Evil) and They got home and were happy. What’s not to be happy about? But Agatha likes a boy named Tedros of Camelot. His dad is King Arthur. Sophie and Agatha both make a wish. Sophie wishes for her mother (her mother is dead), and Agatha wishes for Tedros. I want to tell you what happens but I don’t want to give too much away so if you want to know what happens keep reading, but if you don’t stop reading at STOP and start again at CONTINUE.


So since Agatha wished for Tedros, Tedros thinks he should kill Sophie. The School for good and evil has changed to the School for Girls and the School for Boys! Sophie and Agatha go to the School for girls obviously but they need to get the pen that writes their story. But unfortunately the pen is in the boys school and the boys are trying to kill girls and the girls are trying to kill the boys. And on top of that the school for boys won’t let them in and when I say the school I don’t mean the people in the school I mean the actual building. So Sophie turns into a boy and goes into the school. Okay that’s it. CONTINUE.


The book takes place at The School for Good and Evil. The author makes a clear image in your mind. When you read this book it’s like you’re there, witnessing it.


Agatha is nice, because she tried to stop someone from killing a Gargoyle once. She is not girly because she doesn’t care if ‘a hair is out of place’ or if her ‘lipstick is the wrong shade’ (she doesn’t wear lipstick). She is clever because she got in and out of the Dean’s office unnoticed. And for Sophie. Sophie is very girly. She loves pink and lipstick and has a million skin creams. She is friendly because she has lots of friends.


I liked this book because you never know what will happen next, it’s full of adventure, and it has more than one perspective.

I would recommend this book  if you like: Adventure, a bit of fairy tale and a little bit of mystery. I rate this book FIVE STARS. 18172465





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