Half Magic By: Edward Eager

Half_MagicIt all begins with a coin…  (or what the children thought was a coin). The title of my book is Half Magic by Edward Eager. I think there are two more books in this series, Magic by the Lake and Knights Castle. This book is about four children who find what  Jane (the oldest child) thinks is a nickel. The kids soon find out that the nickel is a magic charm that wishes only half of what you wish for. You have to wish double of what you wished. The main characters are Jane, Mark, Katharine, and Martha. Through this book the four children travel in their house but, mostly places where the charm takes them.


Martha is stubborn, curious and impatient. She is stubborn because when they went to the movie she wouldn’t stop saying she wanted to go home so she walked out of the movies. Curious because she wanted to know what had happened to her mother. She is impatient because when her siblings were watching a movie she wouldn’t wait until it was over she just ran out of the movie theater. The problem was when Mr. Smith wanted to marry their mother because their dad died. Their mother wanted to marry him but she thought she was ill because the children kept using the charm and things were disappearing in front of her eyes. So, the children were trying to prove to their mother that the whole time she was seeing things and she thought she was ill was just the children using the charm. And the kids had to convince her that she wasn’t seeing things and that the charm really is magical. I also think it was interesting when Jane went to another family and she was the total opposite to the real Jane. I think it was really interesting when they first found the charm and didn’t know what it was or how to use it. The children thought it was a nickel, and by accident made a fire.


I really enjoyed this book because I really like books about magic and this book was sort of like realistic magic. I really enjoyed the parts of the book when the four children use the charm and the magic begins and they’re just trying to figure out how to use the charm. I think the author did a good job of describing one scene where knights were fighting and I thought he was a little too descriptive about the body parts being chopped off and the blood. It’s really exciting when something happens and then the children have to fix it. I would recommend this book to people who like books about: Magic, Friendship, Adventure… I think this book is like another book I just read called Howl’s Moving Castle. I chose Howl’s Moving Castle because in both Howl’s Moving Castle and Half Magic the characters travel all over the area and are both about magic. I rate this book Five stars!!!!!.


2 thoughts on “Half Magic By: Edward Eager

  1. I read that book it’s really good. It’s sort of part of a series but you don’t need to read the other books but it’s cool if you do! 🙂

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