The Twits by Roald Dahl

The-Twits-24ssvc8-4The book that I read is called The Twits by Roald Dahl. This book is about this revolting couple, Mrs. Twit and Mr. Twit, who hate children and each other. The setting takes place in their house with no windows in the United Kingdom and hopefully this isn’t happening nowadays.

An adjective I would use to describe both of the Twits is appalling. Appalling because Mr. Twit has things in his beard from decades ago and Mrs.Twit looks like a deformed hippo. The second adjective I would use to describe The Twits is creative. Creative because it was genius to think of putting pennies on Mrs. Twit’s walking stick everyday. This made her think that she was getting smaller so Mr. Twit tried to stretch her with 1000 balloons that were attached to the ground and then cut the balloons so she went flying up to the moon. The problem was that Mrs. Twit is smart too so she ate enough of the balloons for her to come down. The third adjective I would use to describe the Twits is friendly. Just kidding, they are the opposite of friendly. They are awful, horrendous, hideous, revolting and much more. They are all these things because of all the things they do to people or animals or their own kinds.

A good example of the terrible things they do is when they make this thing that is called bird pie.They put this super glue on a tree and if you put something on the tree you’re not getting it back. So what birds will do is sit on the tree and then the next thing they know they’re bird pie. One time these kids wanted to get a look at the Twits’ house and climbed onto a tree and the next thing they know is that they’re stuck. Mr. Twit was climbing up the ladder to get the children for his new children pie and one of the three kids had a good idea. His idea was to leave their pants on the tree and jump off with their nude tushies. Another important part was when Mrs. Twit wanted to get revenge on her husband for his prank. What she did was just sickening. She got earthworms from their garden and served herself some good spaghetti but gave Mr. Twit some earthworms. How does that sound? I think we’re going to have that for lunch tomorrow.

This book is great with worm spaghetti, food in beards (especially Mr. Twit’s) and best of all pranks. I recommend it because it’s by one of the all time greats, Roald Dahl. I definitely recommend this book if you like humor. I compare this book to The Terrible Two which is a book that I already wrote about. I would give this book three and seven eighths because I liked it but I like longer books and this book was only about ninety-four pages.

4 thoughts on “The Twits by Roald Dahl

  1. I really loved this part of your book review: the third adjective I would use to describe the Twits is friendly. Just kidding… Also: How does that sound? I think we’re having that for lunch tomorrow.

  2. I loved reading this book review, Landon! It was wonderfully descriptive (or maybe I should say disgustingly descriptive, because of such details as Mr. Twit’s beard full of decades-old junk – blechhh!!)

  3. Did you hear about the guy who attached hundreds of helium balloons to his lawn chair and floated around in the sky for a while?

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