The Meaning of Maggie By: Megan Jean Sovern

The name of the book I read is The Meaning of Maggie by, Megan Jean Sovern. The book is about a girl named Maggie, Maggie is the main character. The book takes place in a modern town outside Atlanta. Maggie has two older teenage sisters their names are Layla and Tiffany. Layla is their parent’s favorite. Maggie’s mom and dad used to be hippies.  (Hippie’s are laid back people. They believe in peace. They also wear funky clothes.) Her dad has a disease called Multiple Sclerosis. It is when your legs and arms fall asleep and it is hard for you to control your limbs. Whenever something goes wrong they always says “Pull up your bootstraps”(Family motto).


Maggie dreams about becoming president. She is now one year closer to becoming it, going to college, being able to vote, and getting a tattoo. The book is written in Maggie’s perspective. Maggie Mayfield is writing a memoir about the time between her 11th birthday and her 12th.


Maggie is strong.  When stuff happens to her dad she tries to be strong. She tries not to show him that she is really worried. Maggie is also a fun person. Her dad is very sick but still she has fun. She doesn’t let that ruin her fun. Last but not least Maggie is smart. She has won Student of The Month multiple times. She is her teacher’s favorite because she is so smart. Unlike other kids she wishes that there were no vacations from school. But the thing she wishes for most is that her dad gets better. An interesting part of the book is when Maggie’s mom tells Tiffany that Maggie is her favorite and Layla is their dad’s favorite. Another part of the book I found interesting is when Phyllis and Donny come over. They are Maggie’s mom and dad’s old hippie friends. Maggie is so scared of them but after a while she ends up liking them. When Phyllis and Donny come one of them has a motorcycle and he takes the dad for a ride. It is funny because since her dad limbs are asleep they had to use a bungee cord to tie her dad to Donny so he wouldn’t fall off.


I really, really, really, loved this book. One thing that was cool about it was that there would sometimes be a sentence and a really small number would be at the end of it. At the end of the page the same number was there but Maggie is either explaining a little more or giving you her opinion. It was like she was just thinking. For example: “Well. some of us guessed. Some of us just10 knew the answers.”

Then at the end of the page . . . 10.  Me.


I would definitely recommend this book. It is sad and has some serious topics. But it is still a fun book. I think anyone can have fun reading this book. Some people might have more fun than others reading this. When you are reading this book you will not be able to put it down. You might or might not like how the author talks to from Maggie’s perspective (but I do). 5 STARS

(1 the worst- 5 the best)

8 thoughts on “The Meaning of Maggie By: Megan Jean Sovern

  1. I really love how you describe how her dad has multiple sclerosis and my favorite part of your book review is how you describe what a footnote is.

  2. I LOVE this book! What a great review. I love the way you described Maggie’s footnotes and the family motto. I’m curious, what do you think about Maggie?

  3. I also think it is really cool how there is a number in the middle of a sentence and then at the end of the page the same number is there explaining more.

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