A Mango Shaped Space


I read the book A Mango Shaped Space by Wendy Mass. The book is about a girl named Mia who was born with a disability called synesthesia. Synesthesia is when  your senses get mixed up and you can either see sounds, taste shapes, or hear colors.In this case Mia sees sounds. The setting of the book is mostly at her house.

Mia is shy, nice, and she has synesthesia. Mia is shy around people. Mia is also nice to her friends and this little boy named Billy. Mia also has synesthesia because she can see sounds. The parts that I found most interesting are when Mia found Mango her cat the day her grandpa died next to his grave and Mango has the same eyes as him. A part that I  also found interesting is that Mia kept it a secret since she was little. She did not tell her parents about her seeing colors until she was 13. Mia thinks that Mango has a piece of her grandfather’s soul in him.

I enjoyed the book because it is interesting and really descriptive. The author really describes what color Mia sees when she sees colors. I recommend this book

4 thoughts on “A Mango Shaped Space

  1. Ava – I have heard good things about this book. Some students have said that they found it frustrating that Mia’s parents never look into her condition to find out more. What do you think about this? I love books with interesting descriptions, so this is definitely on my list!

  2. Dear Ava,
    This book review was described perfectly. There are no ways you can describe it as well as you have

    From your reader and friend, Maeve

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