Big Nate Goes For Broke, Lincoln Peirce


51JKBRNUFsL._SY344_BO1,204,203,200_Nate is a normal kid. Well not normal, he knows, unlike most people, he was born to be great. People just don’t know it yet. He invented the greatest club at school, The Doodlers. They draw cartoons and play games! And let’s face it, it really is the best club. I mean, in PS.38, there are clubs like the Knit Pickers, and really, who wants to spend the day knitting? There’s also the Wizards and Witches, who pretend that they have magic powers.   And then there are the Problem Solvers – who wants to spend spare time doing math?  And The Spotlight Club, they sing EVERYTHING with the hopes of being  “discovered.”  Also, there is the School “Beautification” Society, which is exactly what it sounds like.

Jefferson, let’s just say, arch enemy of PS.38. Dee Dee is a really really good drawer. Francis, one of Nate’s best friends, says we should ask her to join the doodlers. Dee Dee is way too dramatic. Take the most dramatic person you know multiply that by 10,000 and you have Dee Dee. Nate says he’s not asking Dee Dee to join the club. Francis just leaves. Teddy’s Nate’s other friend. So they shoot for it. Nate choose evens, so Teddy has odds. One, two, three, shoot! Aw, man! Teddy won! Great, now Nate has to ask Dee Dee.  Nate goes over to ask Dee Dee,  “ I saw that poster you made for the dance, and I thought you might maybe want to…um…”

“ Oh!” she says “ I’d love to go to the dance with you!” Oh no. When they go to the dance there’s a problem in the sprinklers so school is postponed. But this bad. School will still be going on, but at Jefferson.

Seriously! Someone had to pick our School’s enemy! The most inspiring, wonderful, fantastic, great kid, has to go to the worst school! Life there is not the best. Nolan the bully of Jefferson, thinks he’s the best at everything. But not for long. Light bulb! Nate had the most brilliant, bedazzling, radiant, splendid Idea! He would make a new contest, not: football, basketball, soccer, baseball and other things but, the Ultimate Snowdown.

These books cracked me up! It’s about a kid who always gets detention and bad grades and knows he’s born to be great. This book take place in Nate’s school, PS. 38. He’s a sixth grader who loves to have fun! Join Nate in an adventure through embarrassing and exciting moments! It’s a really funny series! I would recommend it to people who read, Sisters, Smile, Diary Of a Wimpy Kid and the Baby Sitters Club also if you like books with comics and humor. I would rate the whole series 5 *’s   it’s a book that you can’t stop reading. I hope you read it. And if you don’t, you’re missing out on a lot!


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