Nancy Drew secret of the old clock



I read Nancy Drew the Secret of the Old Clock by Carolyn Keene. The main character is a thirteen year old girl named Nancy , who likes to solve mysteries.The book mainly takes place in a small town where Nancy lives, called River Heights. In this story Nancy goes on an adventure to find a missing will. 

Something I found interesting is that Nancy meets so many people. I think that this is interesting because I like getting to know the different personalities of the characters in the book and how they fit into the story. For instance, a character named Abby helps Nancy by giving her a clue about where the will is. This is the first book of the series so you first meet Nancy. You get to know things like where she lives, her interests, and that she likes mysteries. Nancy is smart because she uses the clues that people give her to solve the mystery. She is also brave because she is willing to put herself in danger to solve her mystery. For example, she had to chase robbers to get back stolen furniture. Most importantly, Nancy is kind because she solves this mystery to help people get things that they need.

I really enjoyed this book because it’s exciting and suspenseful. It’s hard to put down once you start because you want to find out what will happen to Nancy next and where each clue will take her. I would recommend this book to anyone who likes a mix of mystery and adventure. I look forward to reading the next Nancy Drew book for more exciting adventures. I think the Spiderwick Chronicles are similar to Nancy Drew Mysteries because the main characters are kids who solve mysteries and there is a lot of adventure. I would rate this book four stars.



4 thoughts on “Nancy Drew secret of the old clock

  1. I remember reading Nancy Drew when I was your age, Lucia. They are very exciting. It’s interesting because now there are some newer versions where Nancy has a cellphone etc. I still prefer the older ones myself!

  2. I love your book review! I like how you included the will! I love that you included that you didn’t know where the clues lead her next. Great job!

  3. Reading this book review reminded me of the first time I read this book. I was nine and it was my second summer at summer camp. On a rainy day I found a hidden library in one of the cabins and I stayed in there all day reading Nancy Drew books.
    I have never read the Spiderwick Chronicles but if they are anything like Nancy Drew books then I have to check them out!

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