Double Fudge by Judy Blume

DbleFudgeThe title of the book is called Double Fudge by Judy Blume and the series is called Judy Blume Hilarious World of Fudge. The main characters in this book are Fudge and  Pete and they are brothers. The book is mainly about a boy who has a little brother called Fudge and he is crazy. Also Fudge loves money. He makes Fudge bucks and plans to buy the entire world. Also the book is about crazy relatives taking over their house and Pete doesn’t like that. The book takes place in  New York City and in their small apartment and in the money factory in Washington D.C.  The time takes place in present time because it is like what is happening now.

The book is also about a lot of cousins coming to their house to go trick or treating. Also a thing about the book is that Fudge gets stuck in the elevator. Another thing that’s important is that Fudge and Pete have to deal with twin cousins and it gets crazy. For example, the twins run around and are loud and knock stuff down. Also a  thing about the book is that Fudge is crazy and in the book one of the cousins is like Fudge and they call that person mini Fudge. The final thing about the book is that Pete does not like having a lot of cousins so he is trying to get rid of them. I would think of Fudge as someone who is wild because he runs around the house and knocks down stuff. I also think of Fudge as a funny boy because he plans to buy the entire world. I also think of Fudge as smart because he made his own money.

I enjoyed this book because Fudge is kind of like me because he has a lot of energy and I have a lot of energy too. I also enjoyed this book because it was fun and there was no boring part in the story. I would recommend this book to readers who like funny books. I would also recommend this book to readers who think of themselves as a little crazy  because then they can relate to it.  I love the whole series, and  if you like this book you will like the whole series too. I would give this book a 4 because I loved it but I will not read it again.



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