Counting By Sevens by Holly Goldberg Sloan

51P+NH7nQyL._SY344_BO1,204,203,200_My book is called Counting By Sevens by Holly Goldberg Sloan and there are three books in the series .  The main character’s name is Willow Chance, who is really smart . One day Willow’s parents die in a car accident and Willow gets really sad and starts loosing parts of her old self and a lot of her old habits. Some of those are counting by sevens every day before going to bed and planting a big giant garden filled with exotic  plants and foods, and saying at least five giant words  that grown – ups might not even know in every sentence. Just letting you know she’s a genius.It’s mainly about how Willow bit by bit gets parts of her old self back. The setting is in a town called Bakersfield in California.

Two parts that were interesting was when a person named Jairo won twenty – thousand dollars just for buying two books and being the 1,000,000th customer!!!! It’s funny because when he bought the books he won like a million bucks. Another interesting part is when they describe a person named Dell Duke’s A.P.T house. They say it has wet leaves in it and orange fur lying around (Dell had a cat until he lost it) and empty beer bottles lying around. This was interesting because his apartment sounds really messy . I would describe Willow as shy, very smart, and easygoing. She is shy because in one chapter she said, “I don’t speak unless someone asks me a question”. She is very smart she always gets her tests right. She is Easygoing because when it was Willow’s special day, somebody  was kind of making her special day a person ignored it and did what he wanted to do but she didn’t care.

I liked the book because the book did not just focus on only the main character it focuses on all of the characters, I also liked it because it could have been a real life story and I don’t really like a lot of fantasy stories. I recommend this book to people that can take sad story’s. I never really seen a movie or read another book like this. I rate this book four stars.



5 thoughts on “Counting By Sevens by Holly Goldberg Sloan

  1. Stacy,

    That’s a great question. I was wondering the same thing.

    I also like books that are told from many different characters’ perspectives so your review of this book really intrigues me.

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