Alvin Ho by Lenore Look

alvin_hoThis book that I read is called Alvin Ho and it is by Lenore Look. The main characters are Alvin Ho and his little sister Anabella. The book is about Alvin Ho, a little  boy that is afraid of everything like tunnels, wasabi, airplanes, girls, the dark and a lot of other things. The setting takes place in his  school and his house and a little in the piano teacher’s house.

The book is also about Alvin Ho going to school on the first day. He is a little bit nervous about school but his mom and dad made him feel ready. He is nervous because he doesn’t have any friends. He gets to meet a lot of good and mean people in the book he also makes a lot of good friends. He also has a cousin that knows a little bit of something of everything. He doesn’t talk at school but he talks at home. He is 7 and he is going into 3rd grade. He lives in Concord Massachusetts. He also likes superheroes. He is nice because in the book he was really nice to people by being friendly to people. He also wants to be a gentleman like his dad. He is afraid and he also gets shocked by many things. The last thing is that he doesn’t  want to go to school because it makes him nervous.

I liked this book because  I can relate it to my one life. There are many things that I am afraid of like the dark, pigeons and roller coasters. I  also liked this book because there was no part that was boring in this book. I Also like this book because he would say funny things like jokes. I would recommend  this book to people who like fun and exciting books. I would also recommend this book if you are afraid of things to.I would give this book 4 stars because it was a good book and interesting but I would not read it again. I can’t compare  it to any shows or movies.



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