Dork Diaries Not So Happy Heart Breaker by Rachel Renne Russell


I  read Dork Diaries Not So Happy Heart Breaker it is the sixth book in the series, it’s by Rachel Renee Russell. The main character’s name is Nicky.

In my book Nicky wants to go to the Valentines Day Dance at her school  but has no one to go with, she wants to ask her friend Brandon but she is too shy.One day Nicky was with her sister Brianna and her sister was pretending she worked at a hair salon. She said that she wanted to do Nicky’s hair and so she cut her hair.  Nicky was so mad at her sister because her hair was sooo short!!

Nicky heard that Brandon  was going to ask someone else to the dance. Nicky is not sure if she wants to go to the dance now that Brandon might be going with someone else.Nicky is a very strange, artistic, funny, weird girl. Nicky has a lot of adventures and one strange thing about her is that she can’t swim. Nickys enemy is a girl name Mackenzie. Makenzie is the opposite of Nicky.

Nicky went to the store to look for a dress for the dance but there were no more dresses!!!!  Read the book to find out what happens next (and I’m NOT telling you).  I really enjoyed this book because it is so funny and it has pictures in it and its not so hard to read. I recommend this book  to people who like funny and easy to read books. I give this book ten stars even though you can only do five. **********


by Ava


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