The Greatest, Walter Dean Myers

The Greatest byWalter Dean Myers is a great and fantastic biography about Muhammad Ali


This book is about Muhammad Ali Walter amazing and great life and how he becomes the Heavyweight champion. Muhammad Ali is not just any sports player, he is special and went through a lot of things such as being drafted into the army and growing up in louisiana.

I enjoyed this book so much because as all of you know I love sports and I love reading biographies about sports players. I like reading about sports players because they are not fiction and they do not slay dragons. Also one night I might be reading about them and the next night they might score 50 points.

My favorite quote from Muhammad Ali is “Float like a butterfly sting like a bee.” Because of how descriptive and braggy it is about how he plays, He is very elegant and can move swift and speedy but can also give you a good blow in the face if you are not looking. And that describes his quote.imgres-1

I would rate this book 5 stars out of 5 because of the great story telling by the author

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