Every Soul A Star By Wendy Mass

Every soul a star is another great book by Wendy Mass. It’s kind of like Wonder, where it switches points of view. There’s Ally, Bree, and Jack.


Ally is a girl who has no experience with the outside world and civilization. Her parents run the Moon Shadow campground, and she’s lived there all her life. She doesn’t have any friends, except the pretend ones that live on other planets. But her parents are selling the campground, and Ally will have to move to the city and start school. She won’t be able to see the stars anymore. But there is something to be happy for. There will be an Eclipse soon, and thousands of people from all over the world will come to the campground to view it.


Bree is the second most popular girl in school. Her life’s ambition is to be a model and has all the magazines to prove it. But her parents are scientists, and don’t understand her at all. So when her parents buy the Moon Shadow campground, Bree is horrified. She doesn’t want to see gross bugs.  But she can’t change her parent’s minds.


Jack lives a very normal life, but he doesn’t have any friends. He spends all his time in class doodling, and that’s how he gets into summer school. But Jack’s teacher calls saying that if he comes on an expedition to watch an Eclipse, he can get out of summer school. Obviously, he takes the offer.


These three people all find themselves becoming friends. This book really is about them learning to adjust to a new life. Ally has to learn to live in civilization, Bree has to learn to live outdoors and not care about what others think of her, and Jack has to learn how to find himself and make more friends.


They all really start becoming friends at this campout where they’re trying to find a planet or star or something like that. There’s a big storm and they have to sleep in a shed because they can’t walk back to the campgrounds. It’s also really cool when the Eclipse is happening and Bree “lets her inner geek be released” in her words.


I really liked this book, and I love the author, Wendy Mass. I feel this book wasn’t as good as the others I’ve read by her because it was mostly about Eclipses, and I don’t know that much about those and it was hard to follow. I would recommend this book to people who like and know a lot about science, because it’s a very sciencey book. I would rate this book 4 out of 5 stars because as I said before, it’s a little to sciencey for me, but it was still great.




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