Category Archives: Vocal Music

Vocal majors post number 2

One of my main goals is to learn the alto part for jubilate alleluia. I want to work on that and make it better. I think some of the alto notes are really hard for us while we sing with the sapranos. This is the main thing I want to work on in vocal majors. I also want to work on reading music. I like to sing a lot so I need to know how to read music. Overall vocal majors has been really fun and cool.

Vocal Majors

When I first joined majors I was a little bit scared. Instantly I feel like I was part of the family. I have been in chorus before so I know most of the warmups and exercises. I have learned that I am an alto! It’s not because I have a low voice but because I have a good ear. I have learned that I can sing soprano and alto! I never knew that before. for performance night we get to do group singing or Duets. Do we get to pick what song we sing?