Monthly Archives: January 2018

MLK Weekend

Over the weekend i went skiing upstate with my dad and grandma. The skiing was so fun. One of the nights at dinner we had a discussion about MLK and how much he has done for us. i felt inspired for the hard work he did for what he believed in. This taught me that you can really do anything if you put your heart to it. MLK is really someone I look up to for his initiative and perseverance.

SJ Reading Book

Over break I read Little Peach by Peggy Kern. This was about sex trafficking which is my social justice topic. I really really enjoyed reading this and although it was a tough read it was interesting every page. At the end of the book I just wanted to keep reading and reading. I loved the style of writing she used. She decided to every chapter switch between current day and when she was actually being trafficked. Overall I really liked the book.