Monthly Archives: October 2015

Ashokan Thesis Statement

The best part of the Ashokan trip was the ropes corse because we faced our fears, we had fun, and we had friends who would support us if we messed up.

This is the ropes corse

This is the ropes corse

The worst part of the Ashokan trip was waking up early because we didn’t get enough sleep, we couldn’t shower in the morning, and we had to wait to eat

This is a picture of a spot on the Gorge hike. We were up early getting ready while this was waiting for us

This is a picture of a spot on the Gorge hike. We were up early getting ready while this was waiting for us

My Math Progress

Screen Shot 2015-10-11 at 8.09.15 PM

Screen Shot 2015-10-11 at 8.09.28 PM


The top is before and the bottom is after. The before doesn’t have circled answered, and no date and title. The after has date, title and circled answers. I have been working on 1 digit per box. I don’t think a lot has improved its just circling my answers. Those are the two things I need to work on 1 digit per box and circling my answer. I have been circling all my answers lately but I need to work on one digit per box still.