Throughout my senior project experience, I found myself returning to my initial question as well as my inspiration and intent for this project.  chose to build a bass using nonelectric[…]

CR 5

My essential question for my experience building a bass is does using hand tools and traditional woodworking methods to make a bass create a strong artistic connection between me and[…]

Week 6

On the last official week of the senior project, I got very close to finishing the bass but plan to finish it in the coming week before the presentation. At[…]

Week 5

At the beginning of this week, I made a major mistake, I needed to thin down the headstock enough so the tuners would fit all the way through. Instead of[…]

Week 4

On week four of my senior project, I finished getting the body to shape with files and rasps working on getting out small imperfections and bumps. I then made the[…]

Critical Reflection 4

Throughout this experience, there have been a lot of different experiences that have brought into question my essential question and the way I have framed it.  Throughout this process my[…]


My essential question has been in this process does use hand tools and traditional woodworking methods create an artistic connection to the instrument I build? As I approach the end[…]

Week 3

  This week i got a lot of work done, I glued the fret board onto the the neck. The fret board blank I was using was oversize and not[…]

CR 2

Going into the project my essential question has been Does using hand tools and traditional woodworking methods to make a bass create a strong artistic connection between me and the[…]

work days 7- 9

I am starting to get  close to the end of building this neck i used a saw rasp to get the neck to first the right thickness then to the[…]

CR 1

My essential question is Does using hand tools and traditional woodworking methods to make a bass create a strong artistic connection between me and the instrument?  Ever since I was[…]

Work day 3-6

On day three of my project, I worked on making the volume knobs out of the same wood I was using for the neck of the bass. I started with[…]

Work Days 1 and 2

On the first day of my project started researching luthiery and the process of bass building. In my research, I got an idea of what needed to be done first[…]