CR5 – Metacognition

What do I know about my habits? After going through high school in an environment that taught me to constantly be thinking about this, I feel I’m pretty aware of how I work. I tend to put things off. Even if I don’t want to, I leave things till the last minute, but I still do strive to complete good work. When I get into a project, or an essay, I get caught up more about how things work than straight solutions to a problem, which sometimes creates more work for myself than necessary. 


All of these traits carried over into my senior project in some form, but I couldn’t predict how they’d manifest given the nature of the project, or the altered logistics due to Covid-19. Over the past few weeks, I’ve had the opportunity to devote as much time as I wanted (at least twenty hours a week though) to my favorite activity in a world where I’m stuck in my own home with not much else to do. Given that, my work tendencies changed slightly.


For one, I’ve gotten better at doing the work, and I complete it in a more timely manner (the artistic portion, at least – I can’t say the same for blog posts and such). I haven’t been putting tasks off as much because I enjoy said tasks, so due to this I’ve freed up more time to myself (I procrastinate less). As far as over-analyzing things, I probably do that more now than ever. I care more about the outcome of the music than I usually do with anything else – It’s more personal, and because of that I spend a lot more time on it.


This all gets me thinking about how I want to move forward with my life after high school. Do I want to just go back to taking classes that I’m interested in, but not personally interested in? Or do I want to try and incorporate music into my life in a more major way, replacing what I used to put off with something that I do out of passion?


All big questions that probably can’t be answered right now… Till next time,



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