CR #5

My essential question was how can music reflect an emotion and what I’ve discovered is that each piece of music may be centered around one specific emotion but it reflects many more emotions than just one! It is almost impossible to only portray one emotion in a piece of music or writing even. There are so many emotions that I didn’t even realize can have their own specific type of feel such as longing, or hopefulness. 


I believe that the lyrics may help to define certain specifics of each emotion but they are not the main factor. It is very possible to portray all emotions with no lyrics or vocals at all. Music tells a story you just have to actually listen to what it’s saying and not with actual words. You have to listen to each stroke of a guitar or beat of the drum. The tempo and tone are key in my opinion. 


 What I still haven’t figured out, of course, is how people make the technological portion wso clean and smooth. To me, that part is especially important because it’s what makes the song a story. Transitions are the hardest, especially when you’re writing a song like the one I am writing. 

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