I really enjoyed Diary Of A Wimpy Kid, Cabin Fever, by Jeff Kinney. The main characters name is Greg Heffly. He lives in the present in a decent sized town with a lot of towns next to it. One thing that happens to Greg in the book is he sometimes accidentally/on purpose gets in trouble. But he talks his best friend Rowley Jefferson into it with him. A part in the book that explains that is when Greg and Rowley want to make a holiday bazaar and they put posters in front of the school when the principle already told them not to. They put up their posters and it starts to rain. Someone sees them but they do not know who. The next day the story is in the papers. After they call a bunch of people get called to the principal’s office Rowley confesses. Greg gets in trouble and is very unlucky.
While Greg stil thinks he is being looked for by the police “The search” for Greg gets delayed by a big snowstorm. Gregs dad is staying a resort while Greg is being touter by hunger and brothers. Then Greg’s little brother breaks his moms glasses and Greg has to look after Manny because the mom can not see. Two important events are when he finds out you can get frozen Drummies (his favorite chicken he gets at the Holiday Bazaar). That is an important part because without the frozen Drummies he never would have started his Holiday Bazaar which got him in trouble which is the big problem of the story. Another important part of the story is when Manny breaks mom’s glasses. That is important part because if Manny never broke mom’s glasses Greg would not need to take care of him for around a ¼ of the book. Greg is very sensitive self involved and loves privacy he loves to say “So I’ve started wearing sweatpants to bed because I really don’t need Santa seeing me in my underwear.” The book takes place around christmas and he wants lots of privacy from santa.
I enjoyed this book because even if you read it four or five times there is always suspense like: Will Greg go to jail? Did Principle Roy find out he did it? Will Greg get in trouble for what he did? So much suspense! I would rate the book 1000000 out of 5 stars. It has everything a good book need’s like comedy and it never gets boring With no typos! Much much more! It’s GREAT! I REALLY recommend the book!