The Haystacks By Sierra

Today we had a wonderful idea to go on a hike to the haystacks. We were all super excited because we decided our new dog would get to go. So around 12:00 we started our drive. And after ten minutes of listening to our dog snore we were there. I was so happy! So we got out of our car and started the long hike. As we started to walk we went over two bridges and started off into the forest. Bubby was super excited. He would stop and smell something every two minutes so after a while we just decided to carry him a bit. We walked and walked and finally we came to the shimmering water surrounded by bright green trees. And we set up our stuff and went in the Loyalsock River.



This my little sister and I being pulled down stream by the current.

This is Bubby at the Haystacks!

The reason they call it the haystacks is because of how the rocks are shaped. The rocks are shaped like this because the river has been running for so much time it shaped the rocks. Also it left the rocks with a glazed layer of green. People say they look like hay stacks. But anyway after I slipped a few times (because of the slippery rocks) we climbed up the rocks with nothing to grip, got to the top and slid down all the mossy rocks. And as it started to get late we began our long walk back. It was so much fun and I can’t wait to go back!

This is me going down one of the natural water slides!!!!!


1 Comment on The Haystacks By Sierra

  1. 23rafaellat
    September 9, 2016 at 6:08 pm (8 years ago)

    This sounds so fun! You did a great job explaining everything. But not everybody will know who Bubby is maybe you could explain that a little more. But you did a great job it sound like you had such a fun summer!


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