April 2017 archive

Guild Night! By Sierra

Before         When I got to guilds I was supper excited for Jeremiah to say “Go”. I was excited because when he says it we are in character for the rest of the night! ” I am no longer Sierra, I am Petra Benet from Italy.” When Ayanna Sophia and I got upstairs I looked at the room and realized I had to explain the stained glass process over and over and over again until like 7:00! This was going to be a lot of work!


After       Guild were super fun! being an artisan was awesome and I did not break character the whole time! I showed off my glass and went through every step about a million times. I even got to go to other guilds to see their projects. I remember I was standing in the hall way trying to decide what guild to go to and I could hear voices booming in every room in different accents. “Don’t touch that!”

“Becoming a knight is very difficult!”

“NO! To make a candle you have to put the string inside the beeswax!”

“The Plague you have the plague!!!!!!!!” I couldn’t deiced witch one to go to!


What I learned about over Break By Sierra

Over spring break I was talking with my mom about finding a better way to handle stress. In the week I spend most of my time working on homework, but I don’t take breaks. I now realize not taking breaks can just make you more unfocused. During the exercise lab the eighth graders did  I realized exercise helps keep you more focus. This is what made me realize by exercising I can better handle my stress. Me and my mom talked about running sometimes before school and after school I can take the dog on a walk. This realization made me understand I deal with a lot of stress. I think I need to organize myself better or get rid of some things in my schedule to make more room for school. I am super exited to try this out and hopefully it will help with my stress.