Horse Cookies

Ever thought about baking some horse treats? This summer, I am spending all of my time riding my favorite horse in Remsenburg, LI.

Molly has been working so hard for me.  It’s been really hot (95 degrees on Monday) and we’ve been jumping 1’9 and 2 foot.  so I thought “How about I make some homemade horse treats for her?”  On Saturday I made two different treats. I almost did everything but I got a second degree burn on my hand so my mom wouldn’t let me go near the oven. Just in case you want to make these cookies at home, here are the recipes…


Peppermint Treats:

10 Crushed Peppermints

2 Cups of Flour

2 Apples

I Cup of Oats

1/4 Cup of Molasses



1. Mix flour and oats together

2. Add molasses

3. Add water (VERY) slowly until mixture is doughy

4. Add peppermint

5. Add apples

6. Cook at 350 degrees until golden brown



Carrot Horse Treat

2 Cups grated carrots (about 4 large carrots)

2 tablespoons vegetable oil

1/4 cup molasses

1 teaspoon salt

1 cup oats

1 cup flour


Preheat the oven to 350 degrees. In a large bowl mix together the carrots, oil, and molasses until combined. Add the salt, oats and flour and stir until it’s combined.  It will be a sticky dough like consistency.  Form into small one inch size balls with your hand.  Place them on a parchment or sill, pat-line baking sheet and bake for about 20-25 minutes, or until they are golden brown.

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Here are the two different types of cookies right out of the oven.


This is my peppermint cookie.


This is my carrot cookie.


The Terrific Trip to the Small Town of Kerrville, Texas

My trip started in the N757XJ, with spinny chairs, pillows, and blankets galore. It took 3 long hours of Doctor Who, Teen Titans Go, and well, dreaming of my life in the world of Fairy Tail. We finally made it and unloaded our heavy bags to our friend’s Jeep Wrangler. Friends of my family live in Texas and they invited us to spend 4th of July weekend with them. The weekend was packed with a lot of bug related screaming, scrumptious food, beautiful views, and tons and tons of walking in flip flops. Here is my highlight of the trip…

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Epic view from the swimming pool!!! Number 1.


Epic view from the swimming pool!!! Number 2.

Quinn, Eddie (the chef), Dagny (my mom and dad’s friends’ 6 year old daughter), Zita (their babysitter), and I had just finished our job making and serving homemade pizzas to our families. We were on our way back in their silver Jeep Wrangler when the group decided to be risky and go on the perilous rough off-road. There was no problems until we came upon the extremely steep hill. We got stuck midway up the hill!

“Ok, everyone out,” Eddie said puzzled by this conundrum. Zita, Dagny, Quinn, and I, all bustled out of the vehicle.

“It looks like we are going to have to hike up the rest of the way,” Zita problem solved with a can of bug spray in hand. So we started walking up the hill…

30 minutes later we finally made it to the ranch, dust covered and exhausted. There the parents were puzzled by our absence. All of us told different versions of our journey to different people.  On this July 4th we created our own urban legend to be retold next year.

My Hero Essay

Heroes demonstrate many acts of generosity, bravery and wit in the face of danger, and put aside their own needs for others. They are also admired and appreciated by many that have heard of their acts. Heroes will always be remembered. They can be found in today’s news like Harry Swimmer of the CNN Heroes series, or in old stories, such as Robin Hood. Although Rosemary Sutcliff’s Odysseus is a hero to some but that is very debatable, because there is much evidence that he is the opposite of a hero.


Although Odysseus displays some heroic acts in the book The Wanderings of Odysseus, by Rosemary Sutcliff, Odysseus’ heroic qualities do not compare to his sins. Odysseus shows wit and determination but his many acts of hubris is never heroic. Odysseus shows excessive pride after cleverly blinding Poseidon’s son, the cyclops, Polyphemus. “If anyone asks who blinded you, tell them it was Odysseus, son of Laertes and Lord of Ithaca, Odysseus the Sacker of Cities.” Odysseus taunts Polyphemus after he have wounded him and causes Poseidon to bestow a curse on Odysseus and his men for this act. A true hero would have tried to save himself and his men but not shown ignorance and boasted about his win.


Harry Swimmer is a hero and a friend to many disabled kids that went to his non-profit farm. He works all day to help kids that normally can’t ride to ride horses. It takes two-hundred volunteers every day to help so many kids ride. They need two sidewalker and one leader for one horse and one child. It’s been running for twenty-two years now and he never gets tired. Harry feels like his farm is a “Sanctuary to the kids that come”, and “It’s not just my farm it’s their farm too.” Both show how much he cares for all of them, and how much he wants to help. It helps all the children build up their core muscles so if they couldn’t walk or speak or sit up they can.

Without heroes the world would fall into a deep pit of selfishness and cruelty. Nobody would help the helpless. Nobody would inspire people to be their best selves. Heroes like Harry Swimmer bring the world out of that darkness with their generosity and bravery. People like Odysseus are the culprits that brought the world into the pit with their selfishness. Lots of people think that heroes are the people that fight crimes and put bad guys behind bars. That’s not true. Heroes can be found in everyday life; they can be your mom or dad, your best friend. We are living in a world that needs more heroes. More people to save the hungry, more people to save the animals, more people to help us.  After learning about so many wonderful people that are heroes, actual ones, I decided I need to step it up. I need to make a change in  the world, help the world on it’s path to greatness and peace. Everybody needs to make a change for the better.

Hey, I have I question for you

What would happen to the earth if humans disappeared?

If humans just disappeared than a lot of catastrophes will happen in the first couple of years because the deadly gasses will spread through the world killing all animals that breath in the air enough. Also all the cars, and planes would crash and fire would spread everywhere. And, the power plants would stop leading to major blackouts. The nuclear power plants would explode because the nuclear liquids would turn into gasses in the warm weather outside, causing the containers to no longer be able to hold the gas.


My Street!

I feel my perspective drawing is going smoothly, with a few hiccups on the way. I find that it is challenging to draw the lines so that the illusion is that it is 3-D. I feel like my street drawing is going well because I enjoy being able to create whatever I desire in a realistic pathway. I am happy with my street drawing. The hardest part about going from a shape drawing to a street drawing is grasping the other elements added.Farin Street 1

Are Human’s Following the Rules?

A bakery in India has been making edible spoons out of sorghum, rice, and wheat flour. They have been selling these just in India and wish to sell it worldwide. I think this article relates to the rule There is no such place as away. It is connected because it is a way to lower the use of plastic utensils so that less plastic is stuck just sitting under the ground, in the world. The cost of making plastic materials use much more greenhouse gasses, energy, and water then the edible spoons.  This is an example of humans following the rule by helping lower the use of plastic. In the future there should only be edible plates, edible cups, and edible cooking supplies. This would a better world to live in if it happened.


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