My Strength in Math

One area of strength for me this quarter has been decimals because I understanded the way to do the algorithm and memorized the important decimals very easily. Since my dad introduced me to decimals I’ve enjoyed solving decimals the moment I learned how to. When we started this unit I was very ecstatic because I’ve done this before. That section helped me learn more ways to solve the problems and more decimals I remember now. Here is a piece of evidence on my strength. 


Math Assessment

Photo on 12-10-15 at 8.59 PM #2 Photo on 12-10-15 at 8.59 PM #3


I am super proud of the GCF and LCM assessment given last week! I didn’t get a lot of practice in on this particular strategy, so when I got it back my mind was blown. The first time Robin explained the strategy was on a Monday when I was in math seminar.  I was a bit confused when I first learned the concept.  I continued to work on it until it made sense.  It paid off.

End of Quarter Assessment!




My plan to improve my math skills is to do math problems with my dad every chance I get. So that I can eventually know the strategies like the back of my hand. I think I am getting some problems wrong because I am not practicing math enough, and the result is that I am forgetting the parts of the strategies. I believe that I can imprint the algorithms in my head if I just practice more. I really enjoy math so I am committed to working hard. I’d like to be in math seminar because it will challenge me to better myself.

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