Gun Violence

Gun violence is shooting random people or groups of people for no reason. In my opinion gun violence is a real problem that Obama has not yet to fully fix. He has made it so you need to have a background check and a license to buy a gun, but even if someone is supposedly good they can still turn bad and shoot. My opinion in fixing this crisis is that the only people allowed to own and carry a gun are approved by their superiors and are a part of a safety department in the FBI or the Police Departments. The Government would need to change the Second Amendment to accompany this change, but I believe the constitution will do it if necessary.

I do not agree with NRA (National Rifle Association) and the Second Amendment because that puts everyone in danger of gun violence from mentally ill people and criminals. The NRA goes against my solution to gun violence in a way that they want everyone to be able to have a gun, but realistically not everyone is safe with a gun. A gun is extremely dangerous because not only is it long-distant, you can also use the metal part to knock someone out, and the bullets are super powerful. In conclusion guns are not safe and should not be passed around like a toy.


My Texture Paper Collage!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Photo on 1-21-16 at 8.54 AM

This is my Texture Paper Collage. We began making this collage by picking a color scheme of primary, secondary, or analogous color arrangements. An analogous color scheme is more than one colors that are next to each other on the color wheel. For example, I chose the analogous color scheme of red orange, orange, and yellow orange. Then we started to make six different texture papers with our chosen pallet, two for each color scheme. The different textures like bumpy, swirly, tiny circles, fluffy, rough, and smooth. Then we drew still pictures of animals and other objects displayed in my picture. I drew a turtle,  a ball, and a vase/bottle. Finally we ripped up our texture papers and created our drawings into a collage. This was a project to test our knowledge on color schemes.


Photo on 1-21-16 at 8.39 AM

This is my Zoetrope! A Zoetrope is a form of animation, instead of using the computer you draw a bunch of pictures, and spin them really fast (normally in a cylinder). The speed that the drawings are going in makes an illusion that the pictures are actually moving. You have to make each slide of the Zoetrope move in small increments to make the animation look clean, similar to stop motion animation. By using tiny circles I learned to eliminate the absent spaces. I think this is an example of my best work!

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