Still Alive: A Poem by Drew Kaufman

Still Alive

We wanted more

There was no more food left in the cupboard

We were famished

Dad went out for some food

He didn’t come back

It was a long winter

We barely scraped through

Then Tommy started to freeze

And so did my aunt

It was just me and mom

We left home in search of food

Mom got tackled by a creature

She didn’t die

It was our father

Still alive


How to Run a Big Pakistani Family by Dadi

Step 1 = Insert that you are in charge. Make sure nothing happens that could effect the family when you are not there. It could get a camel or your family member killed. I’ve experienced this with my daughter Shabanu when she ran off to save a baby camel that wasn’t going to die.


Step 2 = If you don’t have a son, make one of the daughters act like a son so you have somebody who can help you with work. If you have a son, you don’t need to pay attention to this.


Step 3 = If your sister-in-law thinks they are so great cause they have sons, remind them that you are a man, and they are a women. Then you show them that you’re stronger than them.

How to Beat a Grown Pakistani Man in a Fight by Dadi

Step 1 = If they weigh more than you, you need to use their weight against themselves. If you do this properly, the opponent will fall to the ground when you move, giving you a easy position to finish the fight. If you weigh more than them, you will have the advantage of power and if you hit them correctly, you can end the fight quick.

Step 2 = Get the crowd on your side. You need to be the crowd’s favorite to frustrate the opponent and to give you more momentum.

Step 3 = Win the battle. If you have followed this simple steps to beat a grown Pakistani man in a fight, you will immediately see results in your fighting. Soon, you will be good enough to fight for prizes.

Medieval Pageant

On 4/19/17, we had our Medieval Pageant for our guilds. I was in the Arms and Armor guild and we presented in the auditorium. For the first group, I was a little bit nervous because I had to host and describe my chess project but it turned out good and the rest of the tours went smoothly. At the end of the third tour, we were going to get knighted. We all lined up near the wall and Dan knighted us with a copy of the Dragon Sword which is the old sword that Kings knighted people with. I went to the Stonemason’s guild and saw Andrei and Matias and they were spectacular. They added facts about their topic while having a heated argument.


Things to Remember for the Rest of the Year

A goal I have for the rest of the school year is to be more steady in a chair. Sometimes, I climb and hang from my chair in homeroom and that’s not the steadiest thing to do. I learned that the steadier people that I’m with, the more steady I am. I was with my parents for a week in California and I was more relaxed than I usually am. I had a week at camp and I was more relaxed there then I ever was at camp. A way I could get more steady on a daily basis is to have a conversation with my parents who made me more steady over the break. Thomas Szasz once said

“People often say that this or that person has not yet found himself. But the self is not something one finds, it is something one creates.”
And I have created a way for me to get steady.

Sufrah Experience

2 Wednesdays ago, one of Lynne’s friend Hind, who is a Muslim came into our class.

We talked about how Muslims eat, their culture and what they wear. This is in the curriculum that we’re working on. You have to eat with your right hand and with your thumb, middle finger and pointer finger. We ate this delicious food called Sufrah and it consists mostly of chicken and rice. It was so so so good. We took home leftovers to our parents and my parents loved it. My mom took it to work for lunch.

Coat of Arms


My crest is blue because I think my family is loyal and truthful and that is what the color blue signifies on any coat of arms. I chose the Latin word Assistentes (Assist) because I think my family is willing to assist anyone in need at any time. An example is that in the sports I play, I assist my teammates to help them score. The goat at the top is there because goats are my favorite animal. I think that my family is very courageous and that’s why I chose the lion on the shield. A time I showed courage was when I had to get a X-ray on my foot and it was my first time. I also chose a star because I think my family is very noble and excellent and that’s what the star means on any coat of arms. A time my family was noble was when my dad brought me my Xbox games from Connecticut and I wished that I could be as giving as him. I made a dagger because my family honours the military and justice.

Ashokan Paragraph

When I was at Ashokan, there were things good and things bad, but everything was better than last year. One of the bad things was that when we were canoeing, I got splashed by the Ashokan instructor and the water went all over me! A good thing that happened was when we were doing trivia and Dan gave me a hard Pokemon Go question and I answered it correct. It turns out I was the only person in the room besides Dan who knew the answer. I found that out when a lot of people came to me asking “How did you know that?” and also when I asked the kids who play Pokemon Go and they didn’t know. I think that Ashokan was better than last year because we got to do better activities and the ones that were the same were better this year.

Knight Monologue

I have been waiting for this my entire life. Tomorrow, I become a knight. I had to pray and have no food for 24 hours straight. All day I was fearing, what if something happens to me, what if something happens to the king! All night, I was worrying about if I wasn’t fit enough to become a knight. Even though I was scared about all of this, I’m looking forward to defending my people,  especially the king. I’m happy because I’m defending my country but on the other hand, I’m nervous because I fear I will get wounded or killed. If I got the chance to talk to the king, I would say “It’s a honor you’ve chosen me, I’ll do my best.” Overall, I hope I can be a good knight.

Today, I’m getting dubbed a knight. There’s going to be a big ceremony and my entire family is going to be there. I’m very excited because I will keep the Hunter legacy going. My dad was a knight so this will be emotional. This morning, I went to the castle for the preparation of the ceremony. They told me where everything was going to be and what was going to happen. At last, it was time for the ceremony. I walked down the hall and waited in my position. When it was time, I bent down for the king. A rush of excitement came through my body. He put the blade of the sword over both of my shoulders. There was a big cheer and I stood up and shook the king’s hand. I will do my best to protect my country and my people.