Sharing is Caring (especially when you’re on a spaceship).

Everything is Connected.

If you breath carbon dioxide, it goes into to a tree and the tree gives out oxygen. A tree is kinda like a working filter, you put something dirty in and something clean comes out. It’s what we did in class. We made filters and a tree is an air filter. A tree needs sunlight to work and can’t stay alive forever but without trees being a filter, we might not be alive.

Shark Tank Simulation

This is a spreadsheet that we made in class when we were doing a simulation. The simulation was called The Shark Tank simulation and that is where you start of with a certain number of sharks, minnows and seaweed. Each minnow needs to eat 1 seaweed to live, 2 seaweed to reproduce. The shark needs to eat 2 minnows to live, 4 to reproduce. The seaweed need to stay alive for the whole round (30 seconds) to reproduce. I think that it’s a good way to get a sense of populations in nature but I think that the results will be different if you did this simulation for real life.

Big Bang Video


One accuracy that we had was that it did explode and an inaccuracy that we had was the Big Bang wasn’t that slow and it wasn’t Coke. The Big Bang exploding was faster than the speed of light. Ours was just as fast as a turtle walking.

Hope you enjoy,


Director: Dan

Actors: Drew, Xander and Matias

Special Guest Appearance: Finn