Math Recap

We were asked to think about the different types of comparison statements we’ve been writing and our work with rates and unit rates. In this video I’ve addressed 2 questions: 1) HOW have you found these ideas helpful. 2) Make up an example comparing two items using unit rates.

Mathematical Similarity Summamry

Figures are mathematically similar because their corresponding sides have the same ratios.

True or false:

Any two rectangles are similar.

False. Every angle on any two rectangles are 90 degrees, but the side lengths can be different. If there is a 2×3 and a 2×4 rectangle, the short side long side ratio of the 2×3 rectangle is 2/3:1, while the short side long side ratio of the 2×4 rectangle is 1/2:1.

Any two equilateral triangles are similar.

True. Every side length on an equilateral triangle must be equal, so the angles are also all 60 degrees and equal. The ratio of any equilateral triangle is always 1:1:1.

Math Profile

Name: Wyatt                    Date: 9/9/16

Split: A                             Math Profile


Ever since I learned that 2+2=4, I was hooked on math. It started with basic, everyday problems. It quickly spiraled into doing random problems while waiting for dinner. I really liked math until last year. I stopped doing it outside of school because I actually had homework to do. In 6th grade, math stopped being fun and began to be a chore. Class would drag on forever. I like learning math because it is fun to problem solve. Even though I do not love math, I still feel motivated to get good grades and be a good student. I have been in seminar every year, which helps me feel confident in my work.